Buddhist Psychology:
Mind Explained

From The Treasury of Abhidharma

Tergar Year-Long Transmission with Mingyur Rinpoche

Exploring the Roadmap of the Human Mind

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Hi, !

The transmission is just beginning and you will have access to all the Buddhist Psychology courses as part of your Vajrayana Online subscription.

Dear Friend, the Transmission starts on August 3, 2024, and you will have access to the launch event with Mingyur Rinpoche as well as all the Buddhist Psychology courses as part of your Vajrayana Online subscription. For now, we encourage you to sign up for the first online retreat of this transmission!

The transmission is just beginning. Join Vajrayana Online now and start the Buddhist Psychology Immersion!

The Buddhist way of studying the mind and how it can be transformed is called Abhidharma. This profound exploration of the mind enables us to deepen our understanding of how consciousness operates and eventually recognize our true nature beyond the thoughts, emotions, and unconscious beliefs that shape the way we see the world. Buddhist psychology aims not only to help us find relief from stress, anxiety, and other forms of suffering, but also to free us from the mental habits and emotional patterns that cause us to suffer in the first place.

Mingyur Rinpoche composed a step-by-step meditation guide to the Abhidharma teachings called Stainless Prajna in 2021 while he was on retreat. This is the first time Mingyur Rinpoche will teach this text to a Western audience. We welcome you to join this precious transmission!
Tergar Year-Long Transmission
with Mingyur Rinpoche

Exploring the Roadmap of the Human Mind

Write your awesome label here.

Hi, !

The transmission is just beginning and you will have access to all the Buddhist Psychology courses as part of your Vajrayana Online subscription.
The Buddhist way of studying the mind and how it can be transformed is called Abhidharma. This profound exploration of the mind enables us to deepen our understanding of how consciousness operates and eventually recognize our true nature beyond the thoughts, emotions, and unconscious beliefs that shape the way we see the world. Buddhist psychology aims not only to help us find relief from stress, anxiety, and other forms of suffering, but also to free us from the mental habits and emotional patterns that cause us to suffer in the first place.

Mingyur Rinpoche composed a step-by-step meditation guide to the Abhidharma teachings called Stainless Prajna in 2021 while he was on retreat. This is the first time Mingyur Rinpoche will teach this text to a Western audience. We welcome you to join this precious transmission!
The transmission is just beginning. Join Vajrayana Online now and start the Essence of Buddhist Psychology course!

Learning Path for
2024‒25 Transmission

The Tergar annual transmission is an offering of direct lineage teachings that can be absorbed through study and practice. All the online courses, events, and retreats have no prerequisites and are open to all levels of students.

Opening Webinar

Buddhist Psychology: Mind Explained

August 3, 2024 ● Open to everyone
In this webinar, Mingyur Rinpoche gives an overview of Abhidharma. This short teaching marks the beginning of Tergar’s 2024-25 Transmission.

Vajrayana Online Courses

You will receive the core components of the transmission by following the Vajrayana Online course series.

Voices of Buddhist Psychology

August 3–31, 2024 ● Open to everyone

The Abhidharma tradition will come alive for you through the voices of great teachers, scholars, and practitioners, including Mingyur Rinpoche, Joseph Goldstein, Beth Jacobs, Daniel Aitken, and our Tergar guides as they share teachings and personal insights from this profound set of teachings.

*Included in Vajrayana Online subscription (recordings available)

Essence of Buddhist Psychology

September 1–October 31 ● Open to everyone
This course will help us gain a deeper understanding of the Abhidharma tradition’s unique approach to identifying the causes of suffering and how to uproot them through resting and analytical meditation. 
*Included in Vajrayana Online subscription

Buddhist Psychology Immersion

November 1, 2024–July 15, 2025 ● Open to everyone

In this nine-month immersion, we will explore Mingyur Rinpoche’s brand new text Stainless Prajna: Meditation Manual on the Treasury of Abhidharma. The immersion will be the core of the year-long transmission, a rare opportunity to practice and study Rinpoche’s new meditation guide in depth and step by step under his guidance.

*Included in Vajrayana Online subscription

Online Retreats

Your experience of the transmission will be enriched by joining these retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche. Note: Online retreats are paid for separately. Information about the events is available at Tergar Events.

Buddhist Psychology:
Exploring Reality Retreat

August 9–12, 2024 ● Open to everyone
Explore Mingyur Rinpoche’s newly written text Stainless Prajna, a meditation manual that gives step-by-step instructions for exploring and transforming the mind. Rinpoche will guide us through the key principles and practices of the Abhidharma tradition, offering detailed teachings on the practices of calm abiding and insight meditation.

Buddhist Psychology: 
Four Foundations of Mindfulness Retreat

June 6–9, 2025 (TBC) ● Open to everyone

This retreat will offer a meditative exploration of “the four foundations of mindfulness,” a central teaching from the Buddhist tradition that shows how mindfulness can be applied to the full range of human experience, including our embodied physical experience, our thoughts and emotions, and even consciousness itself. This retreat will conclude his transmission of the teachings from his meditation manual on Abhidharma called Stainless Prajna, focusing on the last three foundations of mindfulness — sensations, mind, and phenomena — as well as the inner transformation that occurs as a result of practicing these teachings.


Stainless Prajna
by Mingyur Rinpoche

(this text will be available as part of the course)

Learning Path for
2024‒25 Transmission

The Tergar annual transmission is an offering of direct lineage teachings that can be absorbed through study and practice. All the online courses, events, and retreats are open to all levels of students.
Transmission Kickoff Webinar

Buddhist Psychology: Mind Explained

Free Webinar
Open to everyone
Date: August 3, 2024
The Buddhist way of studying the mind and how it can be transformed is called Abhidharma. This profound exploration of the mind enables us to deepen our understanding of how consciousness operates and eventually recognize our true nature beyond the thoughts, emotions, and unconscious beliefs that shape the way we see the world.

This talk is dedicated to giving an overview of Abhidharma and marks the beginning of Tergar’s 2024/25 Transmission — Buddhist Psychology: Mind Explained — a series of online courses and retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche on Abhidharma.

 Online Retreat   

Buddhist Psychology: Exploring Reality Retreat

Online with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Open to everyone

Date: August 9–12, 2024

Explore Mingyur Rinpoche’s newly written text Stainless Prajna, a meditation manual that gives step-by-step instructions for exploring and transforming the mind. Rinpoche will guide us through the key principles and practices of the Abhidharma tradition, offering detailed teachings on the practices of calm abiding and insight meditation.

Note: Online retreats are paid for separately. Information about the events is available at Tergar Events.

 Online Retreat   

Voices of Buddhist Psychology

Open to everyone
Start date: August 3–31, 2024
The Abhidharma teachings offer a Buddhist approach to understanding the workings of the human mind. This understanding will come alive for you through the voices of great teachers, scholars, and practitioners, including Mingyur Rinpoche, Joseph Goldstein, Beth Jacobs, Daniel Aitken, and our Tergar guides as they share teachings and personal insights from this profound set of teachings.
* Included in Vajrayana Subscription

 Vajrayana Online Course  

Essence of Buddhist Psychology

Open to everyone

Start date: September 1–October 31

The Abhidharma teachings offer a step-by-step path to exploring and transforming the mind. They teach us how to uproot the causes of suffering by examining our mental habits and emotional states, leading to a profound sense of ease and inner freedom. In this 8-week course, Mingyur Rinpoche will teach the essential points of Abhidharma, offering a taste of this freedom and how we can begin to live our lives from this perspective. 

* Included in Vajrayana Subscription

 Vajrayana Online Course  

Buddhist Psychology Immersion

Open to everyone
Start date: November 1–July 15
In this 9-month immersion divided into two courses, we will explore Mingyur Rinpoche’s meditation guide to Vasubandhu’s famous text, The Treasury of Abhidharma. Mingyur Rinpoche will teach us how to apply the teachings of Abhidharma in our meditation practice and bring their wisdom into our lives.
* Included in Vajrayana subscription

 Online Retreat 

Buddhist Psychology: 
Four Foundations of Mindfulness Retreats

Open to everyone

Start date:  2025

This retreat will offer a meditative exploration of “the four foundations of mindfulness,” a central teaching from the Buddhist tradition that shows how mindfulness can be applied to the full range of human experience, including our embodied physical experience, our thoughts and emotions, and even consciousness itself. Drawing on this teaching, Mingyur Rinpoche will show how we can free ourselves from destructive mental and emotional habits by exploring our inner experience through meditation. This retreat will conclude his transmission of the teachings from his meditation manual on Abhidharma called Stainless Prajna, focusing on the last three foundations of mindfulness — sensations, mind, and phenomena — as well as the inner transformation that occurs as a result of practicing these teachings.

Note: Online retreats are paid for separately. Information about the events is available at Tergar Events.


Stainless Prajna
by Mingyur Rinpoche

(this text will be available as part of the course)
Meet the Vajrayana Online Guides

Meet Your Teacher and Guides

Vajrayana Online guides facilitate our Vajrayana Online program under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
 Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Write your awesome label here.
Kasumi Kato

Subscribe to Vajrayana Online

Your subscription includes access to our full library of self-paced courses, weekly live sessions, webinars, personal interviews with Tergar guides, guided meditations, and much more. We aim to make Vajrayana Online accessible to everyone by providing three different pricing options. Feel free to choose the one that best suits your needs.



USD billed monthly
after a 10-day free trial.
Cancel anytime.

If your circumstances hinder your ability to pay the standard rate, you may choose the reduced rate.

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



USD billed monthly
after a 10-day free trial.
Cancel anytime.

The standard rate will cover the basic costs of offering the program.

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



USD billed monthly
after a 10-day free trial.
Cancel anytime.

Your generosity will help us to offer a discounted rate to those in need of financial assistance.

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included
  • Includes free access to the Joy of Living online program



USD per month, billed annually
at $250/year after a 10-day free trial.
Cancel anytime.

You save $50

If your circumstances hinder your ability to pay the standard rate, you may choose the reduced rate.

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



USD per month, billed annually
at $500/year after a 10-day free trial.
 Cancel anytime.

You save $100

The standard rate will cover the basic costs of offering the program.

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



USD per month, billed annually
at $750/year after a 10-day free trial.
Cancel anytime.

You save $150

Your generosity will help us to offer a discounted rate to those in need of financial assistance

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included
  • Includes free access to the Joy of Living online program
You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged. For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via TLCSupport@tergar.org  to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.

Tergar Instructor Cortland Dahl About Buddhist Psychology: Mind Explained Transmission

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Abhidharma?

The Abhidharma is an important collection of teachings that focuses on developing wisdom (Skt. prajna), helping meditators deepen their understanding of the workings of the mind and thereby free themselves from the causes of suffering and chronic dissatisfaction. These teachings are considered one of the three main categories of Buddhist teachings, alongside the Sutra and Vinaya. Together, these three are known as the “Three Baskets.”

What does the term prajna mean?

Prajna (Tib. sherab) is a Sanskrit word often translated into English as “wisdom.” It is defined as the precise discernment of all things and events. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche says, “Sherab consists of the syllable ཤེས་ shé, which means ‘knowing’ and རབ་ rab which means ‘excellent’ or ‘best’. So it is the best knowledge, the best form of knowing. It is knowing correctly, clearly, and fully.”

What does it mean to receive a transmission?

“Transmission” is a traditional term that refers to a set of meditation teachings that is passed down from a teacher to a student or group of students. In the Tergar context, “transmission” means that Mingyur Rinpoche passes on important lineage teachings to students so that we can recognize the buddha within and stabilize this recognition. In addition to teachings and meditation instructions, a transmission may include other elements that can help make the teachings more experiential for us such as reading transmissions (lung) for important texts, empowerments (wang), and opportunities to receive vows.

Do I have to be a Buddhist to join the transmission?

This transmission includes courses and events open to all who wish to better understand the Buddhist tradition, its practices, and the workings of the mind.

Do I have to have prior experience in meditation?

Prior experience in meditation is suggested but not required for these open events and courses. Mingyur Rinpoche teaches in a highly relatable way, so much of this transmission is based on exploring our lived experience. If you wish to acquire a foundation for these practices, attending a Joy of Living program online is a good option.

Can I join at any time?

You can join Vajrayana Online at any time. New material will be released monthly, and you can engage in it at your own pace. In the case of the online retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche, however, it is highly recommended that you attend the live events at events.tergar.org rather than watch the recordings. Recordings will be made available, but only for a limited time.

What if I miss part of the year-long transmission? Can I still participate?

Absolutely! The elements of the transmission function together as a cohesive whole, but each one also stands alone. Join in whatever elements work for you!

Tergar Lineage Society

The Tergar Lineage Society was established in 2021 to recognize generous students and community members who help support Tergar's mission. Lineage Society members play a critical role in making the annual lineage transmission possible, making contributions to support the development of courses and events, and expanding access to meditation training for all.

For centuries, offering important lineage transmissions has been a central part of Vajrayana Buddhism, and transmission patrons have been inspiring beacons of generosity. By making an annual gift of $7,500 or more, individuals who join the Lineage Society help ensure the vitality and authenticity of Mingyur Rinpoche’s experiential lineage.

 Emotions can be expressed in an unhealthy, self-destructive manner or in a healthy and constructive fashion. Similarly, we can think in a self-destructive, confused way, which reinforces our negative habits, or we can think in a constructive way.

—  Traleg Rinpoche