Voices of Buddhist Psychology Course

Open to everyone
This course is now available! Recordings of special webinars and live sessions are accessible to all Vajrayana Online participants.

About the Course

Abhidharma is the Buddhist science of mind and reality. The Voices of Buddhist Psychology course offers live webinars with prominent Buddhist teachers, scholars, and practitioners, including Mingyur Rinpoche, Daniel Aitken, Joseph Goldstein, and Beth Jacobs. Additionally, Tergar guides will provide further instruction through live Heart-to-Heart sessions, guided meditations, and discussion forums. The course emphasizes the practical implementation of the Abhidharma teachings in our modern world. It's an excellent opportunity to gather and explore this tradition together as a community.
Vajrayana Online Guides

Meet Your Teachers and Guides

You will be guided by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, guest teachers, and Vajrayana Online guides.
Write your awesome label here.

Joseph Goldstein

 Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Write your awesome label here.
 Beth Jacobs
Write your awesome label here.
 Daniel Aitken
Write your awesome label here.
Edwin Kelley

Your Course Includes

  • a series of interviews and webinars with Mingyur Rinpoche and guest teachers highlighting key points of Abhidharma
  • Heart-to-Heart sessions: intimate, engaged, and heart-felt sessions to explore the teachings and ask questions
  • practice sessions: live weekly guided meditations throughout the course
  • a wrap-up session with course guides
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Course Outline

This course consists of an opening teaching by Mingyur Rinpoche, three interviews, and a concluding webinar with Tergar guides, each clarifying elements within the Abhidharma tradition.
Special Webinars

Mingyur Rinpoche

August 3, 2024
10 AM US ET (New York)
This talk is dedicated to the great Indian master Vasubandhu and his famous text, Abhidharmakosha or Treasury of Abhidharma in English, which is at the heart of the foundational teachings of the Buddhist tradition. This event marks the beginning of Tergar’s 2024/25 transmission — a series of online courses and retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche on Abhidharma.

Mingyur Rinpoche was born in 1975 in the border region between Tibet and Nepal. He was attracted to a life of contemplation from an early age and spent many years of his childhood in strict retreat. Mingyur Rinpoche studied with some of the greatest masters in living memory. Nowadays, he heads the Tergar Meditation Community and takes care of the monasteries under his responsibility. He supports students in more than thirty countries.

Joseph Goldstein

August 7, 2024
10 AM US ET (New York)
Joseph Goldstein is a cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society and the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, both in Barre, Massachusetts. He is the author of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening, A Heart Full of Peace, One Dharma: The Emerging Western Buddhism, Insight Meditation, and The Experience of Insight. He has also coauthored books with Sharon Salzberg and Jack Kornfield. Joseph has studied and practiced meditation since 1967 under the guidance of eminent teachers from India, Burma, and Tibet and he leads Insight Meditation retreats around the world.

Daniel Aitken

August 14, 2024
10 AM US ET (New York)
Daniel is the Publisher and CEO of Wisdom Publications, one of the leading publishers of books and courses on Buddhism and Meditation. He is also the host of Dharma Chats and the Wisdom Podcast. He has studied Buddhism extensively with Tibetan teachers, which has taken him across Australia, America, India, Nepal, and Tibet. Daniel also has a PhD in Buddhist Philosophy.

Beth Jacobs

August 21, 2024
10 AM US ET (New York)
Beth Jacobs is a transmitted lay teacher in the Soto Zen tradition, a poet and nonfiction writer, and a clinical psychologist. She is a retired psychotherapist of 40 years and an adjunct faculty member at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and currently facilitates poetry groups with people of all ages in her community. She is the author of Long Shadows of Practice: Poems, The Original Buddhist Psychology, Writing for Emotional Balance, Paper Sky, and A Buddhist Journal. The Abhidharma has captivated her interest and is woven into her other studies and practices.

Open Sessions with Edwin Kelley and Kunsang Palmo

August 28,
10 AM US ET (New York)
A 1-hour wrap-up session plus a 30-minute Q&A open to everyone with Edwin Kelley and Kunsang Palmo.
Generally we do not recognize that our social identities are molded and confined by context, and that these outer layers of ourselves exist within a boundless reality. Habitual patterns cover over this boundless reality; they obscure it, but it is always there ready to be uncovered.
—Mingyur Rinpoche

Subscribe to Vajrayana Online

Your subscription includes access to our full library of self-paced courses, weekly live sessions, webinars, personal interviews with Tergar guides, guided meditations, and much more. We aim to make Vajrayana Online accessible to everyone by providing three different pricing options. Feel free to choose the one that best suits your needs.



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  • 25+ courses included



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  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



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  • Includes free access to the Joy of Living online program



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  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



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 Cancel anytime.

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The standard rate will cover the basic costs of offering the program.

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included



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Your generosity will help us to offer a discounted rate to those in need of financial assistance

  • 10-day free trial
  • 25+ courses included
  • Includes free access to the Joy of Living online program
You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged. For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via TLCSupport@tergar.org  to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.

Study and practice for a year with Mingyur Rinpoche!

As a member of the Vajrayana Online community, you will automatically have access to the three upcoming courses in Tergar's 2024–25 Abhidharma transmission with Mingyur Rinpoche:
  • Voices of Buddhist Psychology (August 3-31)

  • Essence of Buddhist Psychology (Sep 1-Oct 31)

  • Buddhist Psychology Immersion (Nov 2024-July 2025) — this nine-month course will form the core of the transmission as we gradually study and practice with Rinpoche’s new meditation guide.
To learn more, please visit the transmission page.