About the Course
Mingyur Rinpoche shares how this course provides a map to practice the essence of the Buddhist path
About the Course
Mingyur Rinpoche shares how this course provides a map to practice the essence of the Buddhist path
Meet Your Teacher and Guide
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Cortland Dahl
Meet Your Teacher and Guide
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Cortland Dahl
Your Course Includes
video teachings from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
guided meditations
readings and reflections
practices for daily life
weekly live sessions*
Your Course Includes
video teachings from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
guided meditations
readings and reflections
practices for daily life
weekly live sessions*
Course Text
After enrolling in this course, you will receive a 30% discount code to purchase A Meditator's Guide to Buddhism: The Path of Awareness, Compassion, and Wisdom, by Cortland Dahl.
A Meditator’s Guide to Buddhism
offers anyone, from the merely curious, to beginners in meditation, to ‘old dog’ seasoned practitioners, a wry and useful overview. This guide can be used on its own by solitary meditators or serve as a handbook to the valuable lessons in Buddhism and meditation. I highly recommend it.
— Daniel Goleman
Course Outline
Lesson 1: A Human Tradition
Lesson 2: Coming Home
Lesson 3: Crossing the River of Suffering
Lesson 4: The Foundational Vehicle: Finding Refuge from the Suffering of Samsara
Lesson 5: The Great Vehicle: Widening the Circle
Lesson 6: The Vajra Vehicle: Already Awake
Lesson 7: Walking the Path
Lesson 8: The Long View
2. Resting in Buddha Nature
3. Present Moment Awareness
4. Self and No-Self
5. Tonglen — Sending Happiness and Relieving Suffering
6. Development Stage Meditation
7. The Three Excellences
8. Your Choice of Practice
Live Sessions
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I join the course without the book?
Is this course only for Buddhists?
I'm new to meditation. Can I keep up?

Tergar International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to transforming hearts and minds by making the ancient wisdom of meditation accessible to the modern world. Everything we do is motivated by our core purpose: to help people live with boundless awareness, compassion, and wisdom.